PAN-Nordic Card Association acknowledge the importance for the card business to contribute in the transition towards a sustainable society. Inclusive, innovative, and well-functioning payment solutions can play an important role to support the on-going transition. For a long period of time, card payments and the related eco-system has experienced major success and continued growth. Working together, organizations within the cards eco-system can make a difference in the journey towards a sustainable future.
To help boost social sustainability, PNC is supporting the non-competitive Mastercard initiative “Betalningshjälpen” (Payment Help). The rapid digitalization of society has brought many advantages but also meant that groups such as elderly people are at risk of being marginalized and falling behind. “Betalningshjälpen” has been launched with the aim to help more people participate in the digital payment system.
Information about “Betalningshjälpen” and related supporting material is available in English, Swedish and Arabic via the site: